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Thursday, September 8, 2011

Skin Care Tips for Oily Skin

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For those with oily skin, the market is overwhelmed with hundreds of thousands of products that claim to do just what you want done, to keep your skin looking good.

However, you should buy these products with care to ensure that your skin is not harmed. Besides, there are a few simple steps to follow every day in order to prevent/manage the oiliness of the skin.

Cleanse your face with a good facial cleanser three times a day
Choose a good product for acne, as suggested by the dermatologist and continue using it only of it suits your particular skin type
  • Discuss the prescription of drugs containing the substance called retinoids with your doctor. Retinoids can reduce production in the oil glands and reduce their size too
  • Oily skin is usually hereditary
  • Look out for oil free moisturizers that keep the pores unclogged
  • Do not be taken in by products that claim to remove the oiliness from your skin and make it nice and dry. Most of these products tend to dry up the skin too much
  • Use a toner after cleansing your face to reduce pore size
  • Apply a weekly face mask. Face masks help to tighten the skin and cleans up the pores; clay masks are best recommended for oily skin
  • You can also opt for an occasional acne treatment
  • Exfoliate twice a week; do not increase the frequency as it may lead to skin being torn and scarred. Use products that have oatmeal as one of the ingredients, as this is neither too rough on the skin or too gentle
Face care regimen
  • Use an oil free face cream for your skin
  • Apply a good quality gel around the eyes once a day
  • Use face peels once a week
  • UVA and UVB filters are to be used in the summer months
  • Taking a sauna bath is recommended for combating oily skin provided
  • You are not suffering from hypertension
  • You are not suffering from a problem of enlarged blood vessels
  • Apply a moisturizing cream on the neck
  • Apply a matting cream during the day and a product that controls the sebaceous gland’s production during the night
  • Exercise regularly and/or take walks in the open, especially where there is a lot of greenery, to ensure that your skin is exposed to sufficient oxygen
Tip: Home made face mask

Add yogurt to rice flour and mix until you have a paste of required consistency (easy to apply on face); add a few drops of lemon juice. Mix well and apply on face and neck. Keep the mask on for about 20 to 25 minutes and wash it away gently with lukewarm water. Dry face thoroughly and apply a light moisturizer.


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