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Sunday, September 4, 2011

Feeling Cold in Summers

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Feeling cold in summers is a condition that might surprise many people but there many individuals suffering from this condition. There are certain kinds of medical conditions, which are often associated with feeling cold in summers. The degree of response towards cold differs from person to person. If a person feels cold even during the summers then he needs to ponder over his lifestyle and think about implementing certain changes, in order to cure the condition. There are few major factors that are responsible for feeling cold in summers and proper treatment of these conditions can ensure that a person can bring his degree of cold response to normal levels.

Many people tend of skip meals in the day, as a result their body experiences deficiency in terms of nutrition. Whenever there is nutrition deficiency in the body due to skipping meals or consuming excessive amount of junk food then the body’s ability to stay warm diminishes and feeling cold in summers might become a common syndrome for such people. Therefore one should have their meals on time and make sure that their body is receiving all the essential nutrients. People who are underweight are more prone to feeling cold in summers. The amount of fat present in the body is also responsible for retaining the warmth of the body, but when the fat content reaches below the normal level then the person can start to feel cold even during summers.

At times, weight loss is also a factor which can increase a person’s sensitivity towards cold. Hypothyroidism is a prominent condition, which might reduce the warmth produced by the body. Whenever a person consults a doctor for feeling cold in summers, then he recommends a TSH test, so that he can confirm the presence of Hypothyroidism. If the test result turns out to be positive for this condition, then proper medication is prescribed to treat the condition. Anemia and cold sensitivity has a strong correlation as people who are anemic, often complain of experiencing cold even during the summers. With the aid of a blood test one can easily decipher the presence of anemia. Raynaud's Disease is another condition which can make a person experience cold during summer. Blood circulation gets affected with Raynaud's Disease and as result patients tends to get very sensitive towards cold. Hormonal imbalance can often increase the body’s sensitivity towards cold. Women undergo hormonal imbalances when the level of estrogen in their body tends to fluctuate. This fluctuation normally begins when a women is going through pregnancy or menopause. Since there are so many factors which can affect the body’ sensitivity towards cold, one must get examined in order to find out the exact cause of the condition and undergo proper treatment for the same.


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